Volunteer works at the Jewish cemetery and Mass Grave

On 18.08.2023 an amazing volunteer action at the Jewish cemetery and mass grave at Pańskie. Twenty great volunteers work hard to get everything's done before the predicted storm, and it was also necessary to tackle the work before Shabbat to respect the principles of those who rest there. Everything worked out perfectly. After a short workshop on the rules of behaviour in the Jewish cemetery, everyone eagerly grabbed rakes, secateurs, brushes, sacks and, in the truly terrible heat, tidied up these important memorial sites where Monday's ceremonies of the 81st Anniversary of the Shoah in Mszana Dolna will take place. We lack words to express our gratitude ❤ We are enormously pleased by the presence of quite young volunteers: Emma, Zuzi, Antek, and Olga, as well as new adults in our group. And of course, the old, tried-and-tested volunteers who came from many places especially for this clean-up 🙂 After the hard work we met for lunch together, where we also lit Shabbat candles and shared challah.